When i opened up my Christmas present from my parents i thought it was the best thing since sliced bread and couldn't wait to show it off to my friend who also loved collecting similar action figure lines.

I didn't manage to get any of the figures as a child though, but many of the Mattel and Kenner Action figures from the time would fit nicely into the vehicle. The main reason for this was because Mattel got lazy and used molds from other toy lines. The car mold was from the same as the car from Last Action Hero, and as i had a nice selection of Schwarzenegger figures they looked great driving around in this red beauty. Sorry Stallone.
Now the story goes that when Mattel lost money on the Last Action Hero Line, (they were hoping that it would take off as much as the Kenner Terminator 2 featuring Schwarzenegger did) that they didn't want to waste any more money so they took the also unsuccessful re-launch of He-man action figure molds and re-used them. infact there are many images on the internet of the toy lines side by side, apart from the heads and colours the lines are all most identical.
Unfortunately this toy line didn't sell well at all causing the company to cancel it after just one series.
its a shame really as this line could of had a lot of potential to be a classic movie toy line, along with the film the concept was a great idea in my opinion.
this is a great toy line to collect and you can start your collection right here at The Toy Scavenger
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