When John Cena made his début who could of predicted his rise to being one of the main wrestlers, if not the main face of the modern WWE era. you couldn't go anywhere without seeing his face on clothing, bags, toys, pillows, curtains, you name it he's on it. He even is part of the reality show Total Bella's.
The Hasbro Licence was long gone when Cena joined the WWE so there was no way he would of got a figure made even in his early career. So we decided to make one. The problem was, as soon as we made this, Mattel brought out a Retro figure line that included a John Cena, so he now has a figure that can stand along side the Hasbro Line. But here is ours anyway, hope you enjoy. You can check out the others form the line here
ricorXpulc-gu Beth Johnson https://wakelet.com/wake/1YM-iK-03OLxYiu-8duse