We Love The Turtles here at The Toy Scavenger and are all big fans, way back in 1989 i personally made my parents queue up out side the local toy store because I wanted Splinter before any other of my friends had him. Actually this wasn't my first memory of the line. in 1988 one of my close friends had taken a trip to USA and brought back three strange looking Turtle action figures, a female reporter action figure (which was very strange at the time as toy line executives never wanted to invest in a female figure in case of poor sales) and a Green Motorbike with side car. These 3 strange looking toys were my first experience with the Turtles, Donatello, Michaelangelo, and Leonardo, and after watching the first episode on TV I know I had to have them and I was instantly hooked. He didn't have Raphael so I made it my missing to get that toy, not only did I get him, I got all the bad guys so to complete the set all we needed was splinter. I am sure we all know about the line but for those of you that don't here is a quick re-cap.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys are based on that popular franchise of the same name (or hero turtles if you are from the UK like us!) and were produced by Playmates, a company that made such lines as Toxic Crusaders and more recently Family Guy. Playmates started making the turtles line way back in 1988 and has been their most successful line to date.
Even though I can remember seeing my first turtle toy, and even remember buying my first turtle, I cant ever remember seeing any adverts on TV. Maybe the commercial break was the time to start playing with your toys again while we was waiting for the heroes in a half shell to return to kick some shredder butt. So thanks to the wonderful world of the inter I and now you can enjoy those adverts. Take a look and you will see why the world of the early 90s was taken over by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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