Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Triple H, HHH, The Game. It seems like he has been around forever in the WWE World, but his dedication and drive helped the WWE beat WCW in the Monday night wars, and now he's part of the family after marrying Vince McMahon's Daughter Stephanie McMahon.
Joining the WWF / WWE just after the Hasbro contract had ended, meant that he didn't get a Hasbro figure. If he had I'm sure it would of been modelled on his blue blood persona Hunter Hearst Helmsley. We wanted to give this long serving legend a figure of his most famous singles action attire as 'The Game Triple H'. Using one of the only bodies that wears a t-shirt we went with his out of ring attire. Again the rules were to only use Hasbro parts. Perhaps we could make a sledgehammer to go with him?! Check out the other figures here
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